Surname: Smith
Age: 49
Occupation: Warhouse worker
The father of Shaun, he lived a relativley happy and healthy life with a rewarding and well paying job in a managerial position at a local textile factory. He always put his family first shown by his decision to move his family from the inner city to the suburbs of Manchester where there were safer environments for children and schools close by to parks and fields to play. This is a lot different to his harsh upbringing in the city giving his children a childhood he never had.
For a period the decison to move to the suburbs seemed like a good and beneficial idea. The business he worked for allowed him to keep his job, his wife was happy and had flexible working hours allowing her to be home a lot when John wasn't. His son was turning into a respectable, hard working young adult with good school reports term after term leading up to his GCSE's.
Although this wasn't to last when he started to notice slight changes in Shauns attitude and behaviour, getting in late at night smelling of smoke and alcohol occationally. When he confronted Shaun he was met with aggression and denial. This was the begining of Shauns decline and end of his dads close relationship with his son. The straw that broke the cammels back was the unexpected death of his wife just a month after their argument.
Filled with grief from the loss of his lover and guilt from the loss of contol over his son John turned to Alcohol to dumb the pain he felt. This made him aggressive and viloent destroying any relationship he had left with his son and friends from work due to a lack of social contact. This resulted in the loss of his job at the textiles factory and him getting a part time maunal labourer job at a Warrington warehouse. Most of the money earned goes towards drink and bills leaving Shaun to his seemingly wanted independence.
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