Monday, 19 October 2015

Purpose & History of a Trailer


The first movie trailer was released in 1913 for a film called "The Pleasure Seekers" and was created by the Lowes Cinemas company. This was a short promotional video that played before the film. This was so well received by the audience that it was adopted in all other theatres they owned. The company most well known for making these trailers was the National Screen Service

These early trailers consisted of  important scenes from a film with a bit of text.


The purpose of a film trailer is to create hype for the film, making people want to see the  rest of the film by getting them interested in small fragments of the narrative. A successful trailer will catch and hold the audiences attention for the limited amount of time it has before another film starts or between a programme on the television.

What has become very popular now after being introduced in the 1960's is the stylised trailers, that includes a montage of different scenes, that are not in any narrative order. This was due to the change of who was in charge of the trailer, which moved away from the Marketing department and to the directors who became more involved.

A trailer must also be memorable and it can do this in many different ways. A popular way this is done is through music and the music does not need to be popular for it to be effective, just as long as it is distinctive and stands out it can be from any genre and any time period. This sometimes very useful as it means you do not need to pay large amounts of money in royalties. This is a very important aspect of any film trailer as it helps set the tone and gets an instant emotional reaction from the viewer.

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